Vendor Roadmaps

Platinum Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors have the opportunity to satisfy attendee curiosity with their long-term goals as well as with what is currently in the pipeline by offering a glimpse of their product development in a 20min presentation.

The presentations will be recorded onsite and will be released for on-demand viewing via the online event platform Swapcard.

The contacts of attendees who attended the presentations onsite or watched the presentations online, as well as attendees who bookmarked the presentations in the online schedule (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR), will be provided by email after the event. For more information, click here.

Submission Process

Stage 1 - speaker information

Stage 2 - presentation slides

Onsite Presentation

The Vendor Roadmaps will take place in Hall 4 (ground floor) on Wednesday, May 15 from 1:00pm-3:30pm. The schedule will be published end of February. As this is an industry session, it is open to all attendees.

Please note: All speakers in the Vendor Roadmaps must be registered with an Exhibition Pass or Conference Pass. Speakers in the Vendor Roadmaps will not be provided with a promo code. Please purchase a pass or allot a pass from the complimentary passes included in your sponsorship package for your speaker. It’s important to use the submission email address from your Linklings submission for your event registration and our event platform Swapcard.

For any questions, please send an email to