Exhibitor Events

For Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsors

Advertise your booth events or any other activities you organize during ISC and open to all ISC attendees, in the "Exhibitor Events" section of the ISC platform. Provide detailed information about your event.  The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your items will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

In the Exhibitor Center, select "Exhibitor Events" in the left hand menu under "Company Profile". Please provide one or more images, a title, a description, the date and time, place and event type.

Please do not enter the speaking engagements that are part of the official ISC program (Vendor Showdown, Vendor Roadmaps, HPC Solutions Forum, BoFs, Workshops or any other talks included in the ISC schedule). These talks will be promoted within the official ISC program. The Exhibitor Events section is meant to offer additional activities to ISC attendees, organized by exhibitors outside of the official ISC program. If you are planning any talks at your booth, you are very welcome to list them in the Exhibitor Events.