ISC Rules and Regulations

All of the following rules and regulations are understood and accepted as part of the contract between Prometeus GmbH – Organizer of the ISC High Performance Conference – and the exhibitor for the licensing of booth space at ISC 2024. The ISC 2024 organizers shall have the authority to interpret and enforce these rules. The exhibitor is responsible to become fully familiar with these exhibition rules and regulations and to see that all company representatives attending the exhibition are also familiar with them.

These rules are meant to ensure each exhibitor an equal opportunity to present their product or service in the most effective manner, and to provide a reasonable level of safety to exhibitors and visitors of the exhibition hall. The exhibitor's responsibility can be summed up as "Be A Good Neighbor." 

Exhibitors are responsible for their service providers and will be held accountable if their service providers violate these rules and regulations.

Please also see the Hamburg Messe Technical Guidelines!


Alcoholic beverages/Food distribution
ISC 2024 regulations prohibit the distribution of alcoholic beverages and food in the exhibition hall, unless such services are ordered from Käfer Service Hamburg GmbH catering.
Amendment to rules
These rules and regulations are to be construed as part of all space contracts. Any and all matters or questions not specifically covered by the Rules and Regulations, or the General Terms and Conditions, shall be subject solely to the decision of the ISC organizers. The ISC 2024 organizers reserve the right to change or add to the rules and regulations if such addition or changes are reasonably required for the appropriate conduct of the exhibition.
The ISC 2024 organizer has sole control over admission policies at all times.
Booth design
The ISC 2024 organizers reserve the right to determine the placement and design of the exhibitor's booth. If the ISC 2024 organizers feel that the design is not appropriate, the ISC 2024 organizers are allowed to refuse the placement of the stand and/or request that the design be modified. The ISC 2024 organizers are not responsible for any additional cost that may be incurred. All booth designs must be completed by exhibition opening. If the exhibitor cannot meet this deadline, the exhibitor could lose their rights to the rented booth space and the ISC 2024 organizers will use the space as desired.
Edges bordering on aisles shall be designed as transparent as practicable. The target should be a frontage that is 70% open (based on the width of the stand not the m² of the side area. E.g. one side of the booth is 10m wide, 7 meters need to be completly open). Lengthy, enclosed stand structures bordering on aisles are not permitted and must be interrupted by display cases, niches, displays or the like.
Please review the floorplan for columns, entrances, catering and other exhibition elements when planning your booth layout.
Booth height limitation
The maximum booth height for exhibitors is 3 meters. Sponsors may build up to 6 meters high. The maximum height of the booth platform is 0,2 meters. For more information please refer to the Hamburg Messe Technical Guidelines or contact Ms. Kristin Kremer at Please note that some extraordinary booth designs may require further processing and this could result in additional fees. Please click here for more information or send an email to
Booth platform limitations

Raised floors or platforms accessible to visitors may be max. 6cm high or have to be made accessible via a ramp. The ramp must be located within the borders of the stand area and must be designed in conformity with DIN 18024 or DIN 18040-1 (max. 6% incline, min. 1.5m wide).

Booth rental and equipment
Exhibition/sponsorship packages does not include furniture rental or rental of any other booth equipment or structure. For more information about the exhibitor and sponsor packages please click here. Additional electricity and power supply is not included and will be charged separately. Information on all exhibitor services can be found here. Hours and dates for installation are specified in the Exhibition Time Schedule. Exhibitors are liable for all storage and handling charges resulting from failure to remove exhibit material from the exhibition.
Build-up Please refer to the schedule to determine your build-up slot and forward it to all parties involved in your booth build-up/set-up and dismantle. Everyone attempting to enter the event venue before the assigned time slot will be denied access. 
Cancellation policy
Cancellation of exhibit space must be directed in writing to the ISC 2024 organizers. In the event of a cancellation, the exhibitor will pay a cancellation fee in accordance with page 4 of the General Terms and Conditions
Care of exhibit space
Exhibitors shall care for and keep in good order all space occupied by them. Special cleaning of booth, display, equipment and material will be the exhibitor’s responsibility and shall be performed at the exhibitor’s expense.
Carpet or flooring is mandatory for every booth and must be purchased by the exhibitor.
Code of Conduct
ISC High Performance is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. Please respect our Code of Conduct.
Damage to property
Exhibitors are responsible for any damage caused to the building, floors, walls, or columns, or to standard booth equipment, and/or to other exhibitors’ property. Exhibitors may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive and/or other coating to building columns and floors or to standard booth equipment.
Delegate registration
Exhibitors are required to register all delegates. Admittance to the exhibition hall and all conference functions is by badge only. This rule will be strictly enforced. Badges are non-transferable. Please refer to this page for further information.
Distribution of materials
Exhibitors are allowed to distribute promotional material within their rented booth space. Any marketing activities, signs and/or banners must remain within the perimeter of their booth. If you want to print the back of the hanging banner as well, the banner must be one meter away from the back wall. Passing out promotional material or literature in the aisles or public areas is prohibited, unless Walking Promotional Activities have been purchased as an additional promotional opportunity
Early removal of exhibits
No exhibitor is allowed to pack, remove and/or dismantle prior to the closing of the exhibition without written permission from the ISC organizers.
Exhibit space assignment
Exhibition spaces are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Exhibition spaces will not be reserved without a signed contract.
Exhibit space contract
The receipt of a complete and signed contract form, accompanied by payment of the full amount required for space rental, will constitute a duly executed contract for the right to use the allocated space.
Exhibit staffing
Exhibits must be staffed at all times during exhibition hours. Exhibitors are responsible for the acts of their employees and/or representatives.
Failure to vacate
If the exhibitor should fail to remove all their property or otherwise fail to vacate the exhibition premises by the end of the dismantle period as indicated in the Exhibition Time Schedule, due to any cause whatsoever, the exhibitor shall be fully responsible for any penalties imposed by the owners of the premises, or any other losses and costs incurred by the organizers as a result of the exhibitor failing to vacate the premises by the agreed time and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the organizers. The organizers may remove any property of the exhibitor left at the exhibition hall by the exhibitor after the said time and the costs of such removal shall be paid by the exhibitor to the organizers on demand.
Flammable items
Flammable items of any kind are not allowed at any time in the facility.
Floor load
The floor load in the exhibition hall is 1,500 kg/m². Exhibitors are held liable for any damage caused by exceeding the floor load.
Insurance and limitation of liability
The exhibitor is responsible and liable for any damage caused by the exhibitor to the facility housing the exhibit, and for loss or damage to exhibitor’s displays, equipment, materials and other personal property brought on the premises of the local convention center. The goods and properties of each exhibitor remain at all times in their sole possession and custody.
It is not allowed to play any music protected by the music authors rights society (GEMA). If any sound is too loud or offensive, you may be asked to turn it down or off. 
Noise and odors
Noisy, obstructive and odor releasing work is not allowed during opening hours of the exhibition.
Payment policy
The participation fee plus VAT for any service contracted in the order form is due and payable in EURO (free of any deductions) within 14 days after the date of invoice (as per section 4 of our General Terms and Conditions). Fees and other costs associated with the transfer of funds to Prometeus are the customer’s responsibility. All prices quoted are subject to statutory VAT in Germany.
Photo and video guidelines
Photography and videography in the exhibition hall are restricted. Unauthorized recording of technical sessions is not permitted. For more details, read our photo and video guidelines
Privacy policy (Attendee List)
The contact data contained in the ISC 2024 attendee list is proprietary, and may not be sold. This information is provided to sponsors/exhibitors as part of their exhibitor or sponsor agreement and is only for use in email campaigns to promote the exhibitor’s/sponsor’s participation in ISC 2024. The exhibitor/sponsor agrees that they will not disclose, transfer, duplicate, reproduce, sell, loan, or retain any portion of the attendee email list in any form whatsoever.
The ISC 2024 organizers reserve the right to relocate the exhibitor’s space, due to modifications of the exhibit facility, fire restrictions, or any other reason in the best interest of the overall exhibition.
Safety & fire regulations
Separation walls
Separation walls to neighboring booths are mandatory. The requirements are hard walls with a minimum height of 2.5m. Above 2.5m, the rear sides of the separation walls must be kept smooth and white in color, so as not to impair the design of the neighboring stand. If separation walls are not included in your booth design, please order a wall system from cubicworx. Separation walls are not required for island booths with four open sides. 
ISC High Performance is a NO SMOKING conference and exhibition. Smoking is ONLY permitted outdoors! This includes build-up and dismantle periods.
Sound equipment
Sound systems are allowed, as long as the sound does not disturb any neighboring exhibitors. The ISC 2024 organizers will decide if and when any sound system will need to be dismantled.
Waste disposal It is the exhibitors' responsibility to order appropriate waste collection services for booth system materials and/or advertising materials through the Hamburg Messe "Shop for Exhibitor Services". The organizer will bill costs incurred by improper or incomplete waste collection to the responsible exhibitors after the event. Fore more information, click here.
WiFi policy In order to provide the most robust wireless internet service possible, the ISC organizers have developed a WiFi Policy. This policy is binding for all event participants.


Please contact with any questions regarding the ISC Rules and Regulations.